Evidence from Asia & Australasia

The Angkor Wat Carving.

    A carving on a Buddhist temple of Ta Prohm in the Angkor Wat region of Cambodia that seems to depict a Stegosaur type dinosaur. This animal is shown alongside many other well known and realistic animals such as monkeys and bulls suggesting its authenticity. The carving is dated to the 12th century AD.

Angkor Wat Carving in comparison.

This image shows it alongside carvings of other animals such as deer and monkeys attesting to the animal being considered part of the local natural fauna and not a deity.

Chinese Sauropod Box.

    This ancient Chinese ornamental box adorned with carvings of long necked dinosaurs. It is known as the Late Eastern Zhou Sauropod (Fang Jian) Ornamental box. This picture is fromt eh Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1980.

Chinese Box Sauropod handle.

    A close up shot of one of the carved dinosaurs on the side of the box showing it's strongly reptilian appearance with a logn neck and small head like those of Sauropod dinosaurs.

Zhou Dynasty Dinosaur.

    Asian artifact resembling a beaked dinosaur. It may be from the Zhou dynasty (1122-220 BC) or the Han dynasty (206 BC-220 AD) Based on it's beak and headcrest, it may be depicting a type fo dinosaur such as an Oviraptor or other beaked dinosaur.

Parasaurolophus artifact.

    An Indonesian sculpture showing humans riding what best fits the appearance of a Parasorolophus.

Shang Dynasty Jade statue.

    A jade sculpture from the Shang dynasty of what most resembles a Hadrosaur dinosaur, most notably a Parasorolophus. The artifact is currently in the Genesis Park collection of antiquities.

The Shang dynasty is from 1776-1222 B.C.

Thaiwanese Incense Burner.

    A Thai incense burner depicting a long necked dinosaur design.

Sumerian Theropods.

    This is an image of one of several pieces of art made by ancient Sumerians that depict animals that strongly resemble dinosaurs. This paticualr piece resides in the Ethnographical Museum in Budapest. The two animals are shown as being bipeidal, with long tails and somewhat long necks and having headcrests along with "spines" running along the length of their bodies. They appear to most strongly resemble either Oviraptors or Dilophosaurus'.

Chinese Silver Dragon statue.

    This Chinese "dragon" artifact is made from silver and is inlayed with gold and turquoise. It is dated from between 1127-1279 A.D. It clearly depicts a reptilian creature but exactly what is unknown, though it strongly resembles a quadrupiedal dinosaur of some sort. More information on this sculpture is needed.

Sumatran Pterosaur sculpture.

    Here is a sculpture from the Dayak culture from Sumatra. The sculpture is dated to the 1800's and it strongly resembles a Pterosaur, and not a bird.

Since this statue was made within the last 200 years, it is clear that whoever made it saw a living Pterosaur of some kind in order to model it.

Ropen sea chart.

    This sea chart from 1595 depicts Papua New Guinea (Nova Guinea, Nova=New). It warns sailors to steer clear of the island(s) or going near them because of flying monsters/dragons that live on the island(s). The chart shows two different dragon like animals, one of which being shot at by a hunter. The two animals nearest to the top of the chart strongly resemble the Ropens that have been reported in Papua New Guinea for several decades now. The two creatures shown flying have beak like muzzles, long tail with a design at the tip, fleshy, batlike wings, bumps along their backs and hints of small hind legs. This may be the oldest official evidence for Ropens on Papua New Guinea.

Ropen statue.

    This is a large wooden sculpture of Papua New Guinea native art that resides in a small museum in Port Moresby. The statue itself is of a witch doctor with a large flying reptilian animal biting his head. This piece of national folk art is a strong piece of evidence that suggest the creatures known as Ropens from Papua New Guinea and intepreted to be living pterosaurs. The animal attacking the witch doctor exhibits characteristics in common with the Ropen such as the long neck with reptilian head which has reptilian ears, large featherless wings, a snake for a tail (most likely representing the animals snake like tail), depiction of sharp teeth, bumps along the back, and the depiction of hostility towards humans.

This is a close up of the head of the animal in the statue. Note its round, flat ears, like those of reptiles. And the carving of sharp teeth in the creatures mouth.

The creature in the sculpture is shown as having a snake for a tail. This is most likely artistic license on the sculpters behalf, using a snake to represent the reptiian or snake like tail. It is a very interesting and interpretive feature of the art piece.

This photograph shows the art piece known as the Ropen statue from a side view. It is clearly seen that this animal exhibits characteristics more in common with the Ropen than any other candidate animal. The spinal bumps associated with Ropen sightings are easily seen in this photograph. It is also plain to see how the animal figure is portrayed biting the ead of the shaman. This strengthens the connection between the statue and Ropens, which are known to prey upon humans sometimes. This statue seems to suggest that the nationals of the island have known of these animals for some time. This helps dispell the myth that Creationist researchers are polluting the locals' minds with images of pterosaurs to the point that they can simply make up pterosaur descriptions.

Jade Cong from warring states era.

This jade cong is from the warring states era of China (B.C. 403-B.C.221). The item is 7.8cm wide by 30.4cm tall, and weighs 3.5 kgs. It is one of the earliest jade artifacts of ancient China. It is made of high quality white jade from Hotan and is believed to have been used in rituals. The sides of the cong depict dancers, preists and bipdeal dragons. The dragons bear a strikign resemblance to the anatomical stance of bipdeal dinosaurs known as Theropods, the dinosaurs that are best known for eating meat like Tyrannosaurus or Dilophosaurus. It seems that the ancient Chinese were well acquainted with giant reptiles we know as dinosaurs before the time of Christ, although they called them dragons.

Chinese Dragon Artifact.

This Chinese dragon bronze sculpture is on display at the Glendive dinosaur and fossil museum. It is dated to the Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.)and is approximately 2,000 years old. The piece looks remarkably like a Theropod dinosaur including the correct posture, dermal spines, and forearms that end in "hands". It bears a remarkable resemblance to a Therizinosaur.

Asmat boat carving.

    This wooden carving is from an Asmat "soul boat" from Dutch New Guinea. Soul boats are adorned with many carvings of animals and this one seems to be a carving of what we know as a Pterosaur with bare skin, ie. no hair or feathers, bumps along it's back and a large beak that seems to have teeth in it. The Islands of New Guinea have had reports of Pterosaur-like animals since the 1500's and still do today. It onyl goes to reason that they would have them in their artworks.

Asmat Ambirak carving. 

    This carved figure is part of a Wuramon, a ritual canoe of the Amsat people of western New Guinea. This small carved figure is called an Ambirak, a harpy-like creature known to the Asmat to haunt rivers and spoil food. The figure has a relatively large head with a beak, no feathers, bony arms with wingers at the tip, and small hind legs. It seems as though they are trying to portray a pterosaur, and this makes sense seeing as that the island of New Guinea has reported pterosaurs for a long time and the native people are quite aware of them and would portray such amazing creatures in their art and culture.

Ambiraks on a Wuramon.

    These carved Ambiraks on a Wuramon seem to clearly show a Pterosaurian appearance and even have some small tufts of fur on them. It is unknown if this was a realistic display or an artistic one since no Pterosaurs reported by witnesses have had any fur on them, but some fossilized pterosaurs species have had fur-like covering on parts of their body, something the local people of New Guinea would not have known about.