Evidence from Africa

An Egyptian seal that depicts a pterosaur preying on a Gazzelle.

A slate pallette from Heirakonpolis showing long necked dinosaurs. This palettes depicts the triumph of king Nar-Mer. These long necked animals appear so much in ancient artwork that they were coined the name "serpopard" by those who believe Dinosaurs and humans never existed together. Serpopards are supposedly a cross between a seprent and a leopard, yet these creatures are always shown alongside other well illustrated creatures known to science, including Giraffes.

A golden figurine from Ghana that has been suggested to resemble nothing more than a dinosaur.

An iron sculpture made by the Bambara people of Mali, Africa that seems to depict a Sauropod (long-necked) dinosaur. Although stylized, it is clear that it is no ordinary animal such as a snake or a lizard.

Another sculpture by the Bambara people that seems the depict a Ceratopsian dinosaur. Note the horn on the nose, the forward pointing horns on the forhead and the shield protruding from the back of the head nearly half the length of the animals body.


A petroglyph from Bushmanland, Africa that strongly resembles a pterosaur with a long tail and headcrest and beak.

This is a portion of a giant Nile mosaic which depicts Ethiopians hunting what appears to be some form of dinosaur.

The name above the creature translates to "crocodile leopard".

Inkanyamba Tornado figurines.

Figurines made by Local Zulus to represent the Inkanyamba. These are rare because they rarely depict its true appearance in art out of fear of incurring its wrath.

Egyptian heiroglyphics of "Was sceptre's".

This set of heiroglyphs is from the Temple of Komb Ombo in Egypt. The Was Sceptre was synonomous with power and authority such as gods or pharoahs and is a well established artifact in Egyptology. It is quite undeniable that the creatures head that adorns the top of these sceptre's is none other than a pterosaur. With the beak and long headcrest, shown here with fleshy adornment on them, the visual description fits no other animal currently known to science.

Several different depictions of Was Sceptre's.

You may notice that the crest of the Pterosaur is ornamented with some sort of skin in 3 out of the 4 depictions. Most modern depictions of Pterosaurs lack this ornamentation since the reconstructive artists have not seen a living specimen. This means more likely than not that these animals were well known enough from living examples of their species to portray the anatomically accurate.

Here is a closeup of the head of a Was sceptre.

Was or "power" sceptre's, were often shown being carried by gods (namely Set), pharoahs, and priests. They were representative of power, and later on, symbolized control over chaos which Set represented.

Here is an engraving of a Was sceptre. Many Egyptian deities and royalties are depicted with this item.

This Egyptian relic resides in the Cairo Museum. It is a wooden statue of Ptah, with bronze Was scepter inlaid with gold.

Mokele Mbembe cave art

Cave art from Kuppenhole, Tanganyika. The top drawing seems to closely resemble a Sauropod Dinosaur type animal which has been reported for several centuries in the heart of Africa. The animal is most commonly known as Mokele Mbembe.