Fossils: the truth set in stone
If there's one single thing that Evolutionists herald as shining evidence of their theory it is undoubtedly fossils. The petrified remains of life from the past, fossils are certainly a scientific gold mine for learning and understanding about life in the past. Fossils are created through Fossilization, the process of the remains of living organisms being preserved in rock. Under normal conditions this does not happen. Fossilization requires a great amount of pressure and that the creatures involved are left completely alone by all other living things and that the organism does not decay, and eventually the creature will become fossilized.
There two main beliefs as to the origin of fossils that we find today.
Uniformitarianism: States that sediment layers were lay down uniformly over millions of years.
Catastrophism: States that fossils were buried by one major event in Earths' history, ie the Great Flood of Noah.
The war over fossils is a never ending one and both sides believe that they are correct and that the opposing view is completely in scientific error. Only evidence and open minded thinking can lead us to the truth. The evidence is literally in mounds, so what about the open minded thinking? A mind clear of prejudice should in most cases, lead to the truth based on critical analysis of evidence, rational thought and sound common sense.
Evidence is non thinking and cannot form its own opinion or tell us its life story. It is up to a strong and clear mind to follow evidence where it leads no matter how disturbing it is to someone or how it affects the beliefs of anyone.
This fossil of a Sauropteryx is one of the most famous examples of a feathered dinosaur. It has even been said that scientists have determined what color the feathers were, a caramel color. However it has been shown that these "proto feathers", the supposed first feathers, were in fact the remains of clooagen fibers, the connective tissue that holds skin and muscle, etc. together. Some scientists pointed out that the fibers were most likely the remains of a sail or row of spines that ran down the back such as in many modern lizards.
The idea that the remains of feathers are found on dinosaurs has recently been rejected by some scientists saying the "feathers" are actually collagen fibers. This makes much more sense based on the fact that most of the so called feathers are little more than many simple lines around bones or appear to be squished into a "mat" on or around the animal. Clear evidence of feathers on dinosaur skeletons has yet to be documented.
This photo shows a closeup shot of a Synasauropteryx fossil with "proto feathers" also known as "Dino fuzz". The photo below it is an artist's illustration of what a feather covered Synasauropteryx would look like when alive. Note how excessive the feathers are on the model in comparison to the fossil.
Some of the famous Glen Rose tracks.
Fossilized footprints of dinosaurs and humans in the same layer of rock side by side indicating that both humans and dinosaurs were alive and walking in the mud that formed this rock at the same time in history. Not millions of years apart. Skeptics of course dismiss these declaring them to be hoaxes. It would be interesting to meet the people who dug down through several feet of rock, made footprints in solid rock, then covered the whole thing up again with a layer of solid rock and waited years for someone to come along and dig through the rock and find the tracks.
A fish fossilized with pine needles.
This picture notes the similarity of fossilized dinosaur skin to the Ica stones.
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