Do you believe that there are still any supposedly extinct creatures still alive?
Yes (71)
Depends on the creature in question (52)
No (42)
Total votes: 165
What type of "prehistoric" animal do you think is most likely still alive?
Sauropod( ie. Apatosaurus, etc.) (48)
Therapod(Tyrannosaurus, velociraptor, etc.) (38)
Plesiosaur(Plesiosaurus, etc.) (42)
Pterosaur(Pteranodon, etc.) (50)
Stegosaur(Stegosaurus, etc.) (43)
Cerotopsian( Triceratops, etc.) (42)
Mosasaur( Mosasaurus, etc.) (44)
Megafauna( supossedly extinct mammals, ie. Giant sloth, etc.) (52)
Total votes: 359
Do you think that a Dinosaur found alive would prove that the "fossil record" that supossedly shows evolution over long periods of time is in error and that Evolutionist beliefs would need to be re-examined?
Yes (70)
Only the geology, not the biology (35)
No (60)
Total votes: 165
What are your beliefs regarding science and the Bible?
I am Young Earth Creationist. I believe the two perfectly coincide without flaw. (83)
I am Christian but I do no have a specifc stance on science and the Bible together. (38)
I don't know what my personal beliefs are regarding either subject. (35)
I am a Christian but I also believe in Evolution. (44)
I am a full blown Atheist and believe firmly in Darwinian Evolution. (47)
Total votes: 247
Do you believe in the great flood in Genesis?
Yes. I believe it is a fully literal account. (85)
Yes. But I believe the flood was only local. (37)
I believe that the story of the flood was metaphorical. (37)
I do not believe that it is anything but a story. (51)
Total votes: 210
Do you belive Dinosaurs are in the Bible
Yes. I believe that they are mentioned in the bible numerous times. (82)
I believe that acient accounts of dinosaur-like creatures are based on fossils. (44)
No. I don't believe dinosaurs are in the Bible. It is just a book of stories. (43)
Total votes: 208
Do you believe that Dragons were actually Dinosaurs?
Yes. I believe that Dragons were actually Dinosaurs and that there is ample evidence to support it. (73)
I believe that Dragons were real as described in fantasy. (35)
I believe that Dragons legends were based on Dinosaur fossils, not living ones. (44)
No. I don't believe that Dragons were real at all, they are pure fantasy. (42)
Total votes: 194
Do you believe that there are artifacts that display Dinosaurs and that they are based on humans seeing living dinosaurs??
I believe there are many artifacts that are probably based on the fossils of dinosaurs. (37)
No, I believe that all artifacts that display dinosaurs are either hoaxes or misidentifications. (38)
Total votes: 194
Do you believe the Ica stones are authentic artifacts?
Yes. They are real and many depict dinosaurs as seen living by humans. (69)
Yes but the ones depicting dinosaurs are faked. (41)
I believe the dinosaurs on the stones were based on fossil remains found by ancient people. (40)
No, the Ica stones are all fake. Just like any other "dinosaur artifacts". (45)
Total votes: 195
Do you believe that Creationism and/or Intelligent Design should be taught in schools as an alternative to Evolution?
Yes, it is right to teach them as well. People need to be able to learn both and judge. (68)
Only Intelligent Design, not Creationism because it includes religion. (36)
Absolutely not. Only Evolution should be taught as only it is scientific. (49)
Total votes: 192
Do you believe the time frame in creation week is set in literal 24 hour days?
Yes, the texts are clear that the days in creation week are 24 hour periods. (716)
I believe that the time frame has yet to be truly decifered by humans. (44)
No, I believe that the days mentioned indicate long periods of time and not 24 hour periods. (36)
I don't believe anything the Bible says about creation. (43)
Total votes: 839
Do you believe that Creationism and Evolution can coincide?
Absolutely not. The two are like night and day. (84)
Yes but it will take some fine tuning on each theory before we find the truth. (33)
Yes. I believe that the two naturally go together. (41)
Total votes: 158
What do you believe the "Loch Ness Monster' is?
An Elasmosaurus (54)
A Tanystropheus (41)
A Nothosaurus (36)
A Thalassomedon (30)
Another type of aquatic reptile (46)
A hoax/local legend (48)
Total votes: 255
What do you believe Mokele Mbembe's are?
A Sauropod dinosaur (66)
A semiaquatic Rhinocerous species (42)
A large species of Monitor lizard (36)
A new subspecies of elephant (34)
A native legend/mythological deity (45)
Total votes: 223
What do you believe Ropens are?
A Pterosaur capable of bioluminescence (66)
A new species of bat (34)
Misidentified Flying Fox fruit bats (36)
A local myth/mythological deity (44)
Total votes: 210
Do you believe that dinosaurs are evidence of Evolution?
Yes (58)
Only certain aspects of it (36)
No (71)
Total votes: 165
Have you or anyone you know ever seen a living "Dinosaur"?
Yes! I have! (51)
Someone I know has (41)
No (70)
Total votes: 162
What are your thoughts on reported sightings of living "Dinosaur"?
I think that some of the sightings are authentic but most can be attributed to other animals (42)
I believe they are all misidentifications or hoaxes (50)
Total votes: 150
Is there good evidence for living "Dinosaurs"?
Yes. There is plenty of evidence to support the idea of some "Dinosaurs" still living today (64)
I don't know enough about the subject to say (45)
Absolutely not, there is nothing to suggest that (52)
Total votes: 161
Do you believe that eyewitness sightings of Dinosaurs, Pterosaurs and Marine reptiles are trustworthy and useful as evidence of these animals' existence?
Maybe (46)
Absolutely not, all such sightings are hoaxes, misidentifications or hallucinations. (44)
Total votes: 147
Where do you think presumably extinct animals such as Dinosaurs are most likely still alive today?
The remote areas of North America ( ex. the remote desert areas of the Midwest or southern swamps) (39)
The remote areas of Europe/Eurasia (ex. The remote mountains or forests) (35)
The remote areas of Asia (ex. The remote mountains,forests, jungles, swamps and waterways) (32)
The remote areas of Africa (ex. The remote jungles, swamps and waterways) (42)
The remote areas of the Southwest Pacific/Oceana (ex. The remote jungles, mountains and swamps) (37)
The remote areas of Australia (ex. The remote deserts, jungles and mountains) (40)
The oceans, lakes, and rivers of the world (ex. The Pacific Ocean, Amazon River or Lake Champlain) (41)
In all of these areas according to the evidence (one or more species in each listed area) (54)
in many of these areas (vote for each individual area in this case in addition to this option) (58)
Some of these places (only some but not all of these places) (49)
None of the above, I don't believe any of these animals are still alive. What a stupid notion! (44)
In my terrarium or enclosure at home! I love Reptiles! (40)
Total votes: 553
Do you believe that Christians can be scientists or researchers of any kind?
Only the "soft sciences" such as political science etc. Nothing that requires pure facts and data. (38)
Total votes: 241
Do Christians believe in Science?
Most, but they refuse to accept that Evolution is real. (41)
Total votes: 225
Should Bible believing Christians be granted degrees? Or does giving them degrees allow them access to brainwashing people.
No! They do not deserve to be granted degrees because of their crackpot beliefs. (38)
Total votes: 887
Do you believe that Science and Religion are enemies?
On some subjects like Evolution or the age of the world. (41)
Yes. the two are opposites and cannot coincide. Religion stifles learning (42)
Total votes: 186
Do you believe that the Behemoth and Leviathan in the Bible are Dinosaurs?
Yes, they are/were (68)
Only one, not both (40)
They were based on fossils (37)
Total votes: 191
What do you believe the Behemoth in the Bible was?
A Sauropod (long necked) Dinosaur (68)
An Elephant (35)
A Hippo (33)
Something else (41)
A mythical animal since it's from the Bible (40)
Total votes: 217
What do you think the Leviathan in the Bible was?
A Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus (48)
A Tyrannosaurus Rex (39)
A Giant Fish (35)
A Whale (35)
A mythical animal since it's from the Bible (46)
Total votes: 287
Do you believe that Christians can be open minded?
Of course. In fact many Christians have been or are more open minded than non Christians. (66)
No! Are you kidding me?! Christians CANNOT be open minded! Period. (34)
Total votes: 148
Do you believe that the Ica stones have been verified as authentic by scientific examination and scrutiny?
I don't know. (41)
I'm on the fence, I don't think they're all fakes but I need to see a little more data and evidence. (42)
No, they are all fakes made by villagers to sell to gullible tourists. (47)
Total votes: 187
If you believe Behemoth(s) were/are Sauropod Dinosaurs, what one do you believe it is/was?
Brachiosaurus (49)
Diplodocus (36)
Apatosaurus (42)
Dicraeosaurus (30)
Amargasaurus (33)
Augustinia (41)
Amphicoelias (40)
Total votes: 271
Do you believe that some Dinosaurs could actually expel flames aka "breathe fire" like dragon legends suggest?
Maybe some animals, maybe Dinosaurs or maybe something that hasn't evolved or been discovered yet. (40)
Absolutely not, such a notion is merely myth and has no basis in science. (44)
Total votes: 147
Do you think that all organisms once lived together on Earth as is recorded by the Creation account in Genesis?
Absolutely, there is a lot of evidence to suggest just that from paleontology, biology, histor. (65)
A lot of them but not all. (41)
Total votes: 151
Do you believe that all creatures were once vegetarian as the Bible records?
Of course, many discoveries have come forward to support this notion. (62)
No, just the ones that are vegetarian now. (37)
Absolutely not, the Bible is nothing but a book of myths and allegories. (42)
Total votes: 141
Do you believe that the planet's environment was different before the Flood and better suited for life?
I sure do! There is lots of evidence and a number of experiments to support the notion. (68)
Maybe parts of it, not all. (29)
No because there was no Flood, the Bible is fiction. (40)
Total votes: 137
Do you believe that natives that report animals sounding just like Dinosaurs are accurate in their descriptions and knowledge?
Mostly, but they are probably msitaken about the Dinosaurs since those are extinct. (39)
Total votes: 138
Do you think that Christian science institutions are respectable and just as qualified as non-Christian ones?
They are very well meaning but they are not as educated or educational as mainstream institutions. (33)
Total votes: 135
Do you believe that Noah's Flood is responsible for the fossils and geologic features we find?
Certainly! All evidence points to the global Flood of Noah as being the cause of such findings. (61)
I believe that the Flood story is important but it is metaphorical, not real. (26)
Of course not! The Flood never happened just like everything else in the Bible. (42)
Total votes: 129
Do you believe that the findings of fresh tissue inside fossils that have been found are evidence of a young age and Creation and that Dinosaurs lived with Humans?
I believe they are evidence of contamination more than anything. (34)
Total votes: 137
Do you believe that Christians adhere to blind faith, supported by nothing tangible?
Only on matters regarding science or reasoning. (37)
Of course they do, how else could they stick with such insanity?! (43)
Total votes: 144
Do you believe that if you're a Christian you are always saved no matter what you do and you are perfect as a human?
I believe that once you become Christian you are always saved. (44)
It doesn't matter because I'm an Atheist and I think it's all a mental condition. (41)
Total votes: 168
Do you believe that the theory of Evolution contradicts the historical narrative of Scripture including the Creation account and the rest of Biblical/true history?
Only on some things. I think they can coexist. (35)
I think the two coincide perfectly once we interpret Scripture as non-literal.. (40)
Total votes: 164
Do you believe that in order for a Christian to accept Evolution they must rewrite the Gospel that Christ preached and died for?
Total votes: 130
Do you believe a Christian such as a progressive Creationist or any Christian that believes in Evolution can still be saved and gain eternal life through Christ?
No, such morally bankrupt teachings will keep people out of Heaven and the new Earth with God. (38)
It doesn't matter because I don't believe in God or salvation. (34)
Total votes: 121
Do you believe that the Creation account in Genesis is the origin of the Universe, life, laws of science and humanity?
Yes but I believe God used Evolution. (34)
Total votes: 114
Are you a convicted Christian that stands upon the Word of God or more "spiritual"?
I am more spiritual and I believe that all faiths are equally true as there is no true God. (40)
I don't believe in anything supernatural. I am an "Atheist". (31)
Total votes: 154
Do you attend Church or are you involved with one?
Yes I attend church. (46)
I could attend more. But I do attend when I can. (34)
I rarely attend. (35)
I haven't attended church in years. (33)
Total votes: 187
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal savior?
Not yet but I am looking into it. (39)
No I am an Atheist. (719)
Total votes: 805