So if creatures were killed and buried in the Flood how do you explain the order of the fossils in the strata? Isn't that proof of billions and millions of years of sediment laying down?
It is true, there is a certain order to the fossils we find in strata, but not like Evolutionary proponents would have you believe. Many evolutionary sources portray fossils as only occuring in certain strata layers, this is somewhat true, but they also portray these strata layers in a certain order that occurs worldwide, that is not true. The reality of it is that these strata layers do exist, but do not occur in order anywhere on Earth, in many places strata layers are missing entirely while in other places the layers are upside down of there normal arrangement. Most fossils of certain Phyla (basic body plans of organisms) occur in largely predictable layers of strata ie.
Dinosaurs and Pterosaurs occur in some strata layers while Trilobytes and other marine invertebrates occur in others. Although these things are true they are really no evidence of gradual evolution or long ages. According to the Creationist model the planet was covered in a giant flood as recorded in Genesis that wiped out all non aquatic life not on the ark with Noah and his family. This means that while Noah obviously did not take marine animals like fish, sea sponges, whales, plesiosaurs, etc. on the ark, he did take things like Ramphorynchoid pterosaurs, Spinosaurs, tigers, wolves, cattle, hawks, etc. on board as written in the Biblical account.
This does not mean that all life outside the ark was killed in the flood, we know this because there are still fish and other marine organisms alive today, meaning they survived the flood. As far as the fossil and strata order these can be best explained by the many aspects of the Flood. First, different organisms live in different habitats, this is called Ecological Zonation, meaning that different organisms live in different habitats and therefore at different elevations. So organisms such as Coral, crabs and deep sea fishes for example live in the deeper waters of the oceans, Pythons, lizards, big cats, eagles, dinosaurs and apes live in temperate and tropical areas like forests, jungles, swamps and plains, and eagles, mountain goats, bears, some monkeys and apes, certain birds, etc. live in mountains.
This of course varies to some degree since different species live in different habitats but logically we will never find a jellyfish in a cloud forest in the trees or an eagle on the sea floor. The strata layers however can be explained by what is known as flood hydrology, the natural process whereby sediments such as soil and rock is sorted according to it's natural properties such as weight, shape, size and texture in water and settles accordingly. These two aspects combine to explain the order we see in the dispersement of fossils.
As the flood waters rose they would consume habitats according to their elevation, and the organisms living there along with it, so naturally we would expect that deep sea and marine organisms would be on the bottom layers normally and other organisms from higher elevations higher up in the strata layers until we reach the top. Though this is generally how we find things it is not alwasy so as there have been fossils found in strata they were not expected in, if these layers were laid down over millions of years as only certain organisms lived we could not find creatures in the wrong layers because they did not exist to become fossils, but if they were made by a great global Flood we would expect that even though this order of Ecological Zonation explains the order, we may find fossils of organisms in different layers to some degree sicne the flood waters would have carried their bodies to other places if they were in abnormal areas while fleeing the flood waters or had simply drowned and floated.
Organisms would have been buried in roughly the same elevation as they died in, so most probably died int he same elevation as their habitat while other died where they were killed by the waters they were fleeing in the soil and rock from that area. This is why genrally speaking Humans and apesa nd other "modern animals" are higher up and on top of other animals like reptiles/dinosaurs, amphibians, certain fish, etc. who are in turn on top of things like jellyfish, deep sea fish, coral, etc. We can clearly see that the order of fossils in the strata are no real evidence of gradual evolution of creatures of billions of years, but actually fits much better with the Creationist model including the global flood.
Did all the Theropod dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus and others eat meat and just meat?
Most people know Theropods, the group of Dinosaurs that include Tyrannosaurus, Spinosaurus and Raptors, as "the meat eaters". For most of modern history they have been portrayed as bloodthirsty monsters constantly lurking about for new victims to slay. This image has been magnified by movies and television such as the Jurassic Park movies and documentaries like Walking with Dinosaurs. But evidence has mounted increasingly to show that this is not a fully accurate portrait of Theropod dinosaurs.
Most people have the mindset that in order to be a Theropod an animal must be a carnivore, for most people that is the most defining characteristic. Yet many people are not aware that some Theropods are strictly vegetarian animals. Therizinosaurs were a type of Theropod that did not eat meat at all. They are characterized by their body style as being more like a giant kangaroo than a T-rex.
Recently findings were published suggesting that as many as 44 species of Theropod ate plat matter at least as part of their diet, making them omnivorous. This came in stark contrast to the long held mantra that Theropods are upreme predators. This is nto to say they were not well adapted to be supreme predators, but that they certainly were not strict carnivores. As evidence stands currently it seems that dinosaurs like Tyrannosaurus and several other species of Theropod were the exception and not the rule. It comes as no surprise to Creationists that these animals could have and did eat vegetation since Scripture clearly states that before sin all animals were strictly vegetarian since there was no death (Genesis 1:30).
What environments did Dinosaurs and their kin live in?